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School Gardens

Food ED works with grades K-12 on innovative and STEAM focused garden and edible education. We work with your school to determine what the needs and desires are while bringing in an expert team to lead sessions and build food and pollinator gardens. 


Elementary Programs

Current Elementary Partners:  
Plymouth Elementary, Bradoaks Elementary, Monroe Elementary,
Wild Rose Elementary, and Mayflower Elementary 
in Monrovia, CA
Our K-3 Garden Explorer Program introduces general garden and food science with each grade having a special focus in their garden lessons. Grades 4 and 5 join us for EcoSolvers, special project based learning modules focused on their local ecosystems and food of the future. All of our curriculum is based on NGSS and current science standards. 
Monrovia, CA


Current Middle School Partners:  
Santa Fe Computer Magnet Middle School & Clifton Middle School
Monrovia, CA
Our Middle School programs build on what our students learned in elementary bringing in
specialized curriculum on Culinary Arts, Food Waste, and Habitat Restoration. 
Educational & Environmental Impacts

Research demonstrates that garden programs in schools are cost effective and cost-saving, improve student and staff productivity and health, there is increased engagement and critical thinking skills. Students also increase their civic skills while preparing for green jobs of the future. (Source: US Dept. of Education)

Pollinator and efficient vegetable gardens reduce water usage in areas where there was grass by 60-70% while helping to sequester carbon. They promote healthy activity and STEAM learning while also aiding pollinator and ecosystem restoration. The benefits are many; we are happy to share our full educational and environmental impact report or customize one for your school or community. 

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